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Free Exam Preparation Resources

HEAL offers online AMC exam preparation experiences to provide students with the best possible resources to pass their clinical or MCQ exam.

Facilitated AMC clinical and MCQ exam preparation webinars

Spending as much time as possible with your tutor and discussing cases is ideal, but sometimes, timing and other commitments prevent this. To help International Medical Graduates prepare for their AMC examination as much as possible, HEAL has created free monthly webinars, which are facilitated by an experienced clinician or a clinical communications teacher.

Each live webinar is one hour in duration. We offer a webinar for both the clinical exam and the MCQ exam. 

  • The clinical preparation webinar will contain different scenarios that may include experienced clinicians performing the role of the OSCE candidate. This clinician will conduct clinical encounters with a trained Simulated Patient covering examination, diagnosis or management of a patient. Alternatively, the facilitator will guide you through selected topics which will refine your approach to the AMC Clinical Examination.
  • The MCQ preparation webinar provides the opportunity for IMGs preparing for their MCQ exam to review a number of MCQ questions and choose your most appropriate response for the five options, across the 1-hour interactive class. The questions will then be discussed in detail with the facilitator. 

You can engage via the chat function with the facilitator for each case and examine ways to demonstrate improved clinical knowledge, professional skills and communication. The discussion will encourage you to critically reflect on your practice and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions to assist you to understand the rationale and approach – all from the comfort of your own home!

All webinars are run using Zoom.

AMC Clinical Preparation Webinar


For the August clinical webinar, Dr Liz Matovu is joining us to guide you through 2 Endocrinology cases. Liz has been a tutor with HEAL for many years and teaches both clinical and MCQ courses. She is joining us this webinar to provide guidance for your approach and preparation for your own exam. We will seek volunteers to role play with Liz so please consider if you'd like to join.

Date: Tuesday, 13 August 2024
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm (AEST)

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Dr Ibtesam thoroughly enjoys teaching in our webinars so is returning to guide you in 2 further cases from Surgery. During the webinar we will offer the opportunity for 2 doctors to role play with Dr Ibetsam. These webinars are an example of how we run our clinical classes and aim to give you an insight for what you would expect in one of our courses.

Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm (AEST)

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AMC MCQ Preparation Webinar


Dr Ahmad returns to cover a range of MCQ topics with expert guidance. As a participant, you will interact with the online poll to choose the response you think is most appropriate for the question. You will also be able to put your questions in the chat to be answered by Dr Ahmad. We hope that you can join us for this free webinar.

Date: Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm (AEST)

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Dr Lin will guide you through several MCQs across various medical topics. You will have the opportunity to test your knowledge by choosing what you believe is the correct response from the MCQ polls before Dr Lin explains. You'll also learn important tips and techniques for approaching an MCQ exam and be able to ask questions directly via the chat.

Date: Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm (AEST)

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You can read the testimonials of our exam preparation activities here.

For more information on our exam preparation courses and webinars, email us at heal@heal.edu.au, or call the International Medical Graduates team on +61 3 9642 3450.