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Online MCQ Bridging Course (Tutor Led) – After Hours

Online After Hours | Tutor Led |$1,799

The MCQ Bridging Course (Tutor Led) – After Hours course guides students to be more efficient in their preparation for the AMC MCQ exam via interactive online classes with experienced HEAL tutors.

The online MCQ Bridging Course (Tutor Led) – After Hours, covers Adult Health and Specialty Health topics.   You will have access to the online content for 6 months.

Online MCQ Bridging Course (6 Weeks) – After Hours


Duration: 6 weeks

Delivery format: Online

Class times: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 7:30pm - 9:30pm, Saturday 2pm - 6pm (Syd/Melb time)

Date Delivery method
22 January 2024 to 2 March 2024 After Hours Online
8 April 2024 to 18 May 2024 After Hours Online
17 June 2024 to 27 July 2024 After Hours Online
12 August 2024 to 21 September 2024 After Hours Online

Course structure

This is an interactive online course where you will practice MCQs live with a tutor in order to refine your approach to the MCQ exam.  Our tutors are skilled at teaching and they will provide you with techniques for approaching an MCQ more efficiently.

The course includes 48 contact hours with MCQ tutors plus access to  hundreds of videos, webinars,  practice MCQ quizzes and 2 online trial exams. If you enjoy our free MCQ preparation webinars, then you will enjoy the structure of our 6-week course.  Access to the online content is for 6 months.

This course will cover topics from all AMC domains:

  • Adult Health – Medicine and surgical content, emergency medicine.
  • Specialty Health – Psychiatry, paediatrics, obstetrics & gynaecology, population and community health, medico-legal, ethics.

Course Inclusions

  • Interactive tutor led classes - Classes are run in an online classroom format via Zoom. You can interact fully with your classmates and tutors
  • Up-to-date MCQ Presentations - Tutors teach from up to date MCQ presentations which are available to review again after each class.  Note:  These are not offered in our MCQ self-directed courses.
  • Therapeutic Guidelines - Access to the online Therapeutic Guidelines (eTG complete) for the duration of the course plus ongoing access for 12 months after the course
  • Written topic overviews - Over 190 key medical condition topics are available to review
  • Hundreds of practice MCQs and MCQ activities - Learn effective exam techniques through MCQ practice and authoring tasks
  • Over 300 pre-recorded videos - Including filmed expert lectures where experts discuss key topics that the AMC can test on, as well as recorded tutorial presentations where HEAL tutors provide key topics overviews and MCQ discussions for revision
  • 10% discount is available to students who have previously completed a HEAL course (excludes FEE-HELP courses).
  • IMG Connect - you will be automatically enrolled in HEAL's exclusive platform for HEAL students, IMG Connect, where you can access free resources to help you confidently transition into the Australian medical workforce once you pass your AMC exams.

Please note: in the tutor-led course we also offer access to the content available in our MCQ self-directed courses.

The LMS is available to HEAL MCQ course participants 24 hours a day from wherever you have internet access. The online resources are exclusive to HEAL. 

Suggested Course Materials

The AMC Handbook of Multiple Choice Questions is recommended although not essential.

Course requirements

  • A reliable internet connection.
  • Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone and a quiet space.
  • Camera and microphone are essential as this is an interactive online classroom environment. 

Further Information

For more information on our exam preparation courses and webinars, email us at heal@heal.edu.au, or call the International Medical Graduates team on +61 3 9642 3450.